Sunday, May 8, 2011

My Town Monday: Wagner Falls (Pictured Rocks Nat’l Lakeshore)

Yes, there are STILL more waterfalls in the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore.  Which was a nice consolation prize when we visited in the not-quite-spring before tourist season and found that we were seriously limited in what we could do while in the area. 

DSCN7659Anyway, Wagner Falls gest a bit more love than Scott and Alger Falls.  It gets a nice little scenic viewing area.

DSCN7662Wagner Falls consists of several small falls and rapids. 



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Sunday, May 1, 2011

My Town Monday: More Pictured Rocks Area Water Falls

We’ve looked at Miner’s Falls and Munising Falls.  There are a handful of other waterfalls in the Pictured Rocks National Lake Shore Area.

One of them is Alger Falls.  This little waterfall sits beside M-28 (the only major road in the area).  There’s not even a parking area.  I think Alger Falls deserves better than this.DSCN7623

Another disrespected little waterfall is Scott Falls.  No parking area, so we parked on the edge of the road, again. 

DSCN7667This little sign is the only indication that there’s even a waterfall here.

DSCN7668Like the other falls, Scott Falls was icy.  


DSCN7670It make a neat shield of ice back into the cavern behind the falls.


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