Sunday, March 28, 2010

My Town Monady: Out of Town

I'm off to parts north this Monday-- specifically to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan-- with my best friend (not the Hubby) for one last trip before this summer and my impending doom parenthood.

We'll be heading up the primary and only North/South expressway to the UP, I-75. Over the Mackinac Bridge-- the first longest suspension bridge (there are now others that are longer)-- and up to the freshwater, inland "ocean" that is Lake Superior.

We'll probably stop at random roadside attractions along the way. And ultimately we'll end up at the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore. Supposed to be really neat-- and neither of us have made our way up there before.

Sometime in the next coming weeks, I'll share the trip. It's not my usual town, but it's part of the state I call home.

Check out the other My Town Monday posts (where Barrie Summy is wrangling links while I go gallivanting off to remote places.)


Barrie said...

Safe trip, Clair. I've wanted to do a houseboat vacation on Lake Superior for a while now.

debra said...

happy and safe trails, Clair. Hope that you find all the bathrooms you need along the way. :-)

pattinase (abbott) said...

Never been up there. Have fun.