Which is why the prospect of this next few weeks is quite daunting for me. For the first time in 12 years, I have several weeks off. School is out for the summer... I have summer school in July, but that leaves the remainder of June and most of August free. Like those lazy summer days of my youth.
I have a list of projects-- things that I would *LOVE* to do with this free time. Ironically, given the opportunity, I will probably work just as hard, if not harder, while I'm home than if I was working. Because, like any other 'vacation', time is finite. I have to cram all the enjoyment into my time off before it's done.
Though, I do hate that I won't be making any money (or barely any) during this time period. As much as I'd love to work on those projects, I'd rather do things that make me money. I wish I could pay my mortgage with the completion of a novel, but alas, they don't accept unpublished manuscripts in lieu of payment.
I'm currently passing the halfway point in the target word count for the novel-in-progress. Maybe if I get this novel finished... and published, then I can stay home and work on projects and get paid for it too. Ah, to dream. And for the next month, I might just pretend I'm a stay-at-home-writer. =)
(Oh yeah, the parts arrived and I fixed the broken I key on my laptop. =)
Enjoy your respite.
It is by focusing on your intent that you will become a stay at home writer.
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