Thursday, August 14, 2008

Women's Roles

One of the ideas/themes that's come up more than a few times in the female-lead books I'm reading is women's roles, compared to men.

Some examples:
  • The female lead feels she has to prove herself to be as good, or better than the men she works with.
  • The femal lead feels uncomfortable with being a woman in a man's role.
  • The female lead thinks, repeatedly, about her place in a man's world/role.
  • The female lead compares herself with how the men are doing.
  • The female lead wonders what a man would do in her position.
Now, it should be no surpise that being the atypical woman I am, I have some trouble with these sentiments. I *know* there are women out there who legitamately think and feel these ways.

I just don't understand why.

I have never once thought myself anything but equal to *everyone* in the room. I've never even thought about how I compare to men, even though I often found myself working with mostly men. It never even occurred to me that I was somehow less capable. (Sure, when I started in retail, I couldn't quite lift as much as some of the guys, but I can lift just about as much as any of them now.)

I don't know exactly what factors contributed to my sense of equality, but I am very glad that I have it. I would hate to feel like I had to "prove myself" to anyone. I am as competent and capable as the next person. Male or female.

One thing to note, though, is that I am significantly younger than all but one of the authors of these female-lead books I've beeen reading of late. Maybe this was part of the factor?

As a modern woman, I do think that men and women are equal. No one is better than the other based on gender alone. It's all what we do with ourselves.

I've heard that nothing is sexier than confidence. Hubby likes my confidence (and competence.) What do the rest of you think-- is confidence sexy? Is self-doubt?


pattinase (abbott) said...

Here are some more I notice. The woman has to have a substance problem of some type. The woman has to be promiscuous either now or in the past. The woman has to be a loner. Whoops, I guess I used all of these. Shame on me.

Clair D. said...

Now, I'm not sure I see the last two you mentioned as wrong, per se. But that might be because I used them with my protag, too.

And I'm a loner. =)

But perhaps more important is the why to those actions.